I Help Top Coaches, Consultants & Organizations Attract More Leads & More Clients
Watch How I've Helped Others
Make An Extra 6 - 7 Figures!
Using My K.I.S.S. System

"Kelvin is so damn good at sales & marketing… he was able to close consistently from 30% to 40% of all the people which is insane… he’s really really really really good! If you’re going to learn anything from Kelvin, he can teach you how to close sales very very very very well!"
Matt Pocius - World's Youngest & Highest Paid Consultant
(Helped him generate ~$1,270,000++ in coaching revenue)

"Kelvin Chan is DEFINITELY among the best… this guy is super responsible, honest & diligent person… this guy can LITERALLY close any deal so if you’re looking for someone who can teach you a few sales & marketing techniques that actually work, Kelvin Chan is the one!"
Gia Porsha, Business Coach
(Runs A High 6 Figure Business Annually)

"If anybody wants any high ticket sales coaching, reach out to Kelvin… Extremely experienced in the high ticket sales world!"
Carradean Farley, Agency Business Owner
(7 Figure Revenue Business)

"With Kelvin’s strategies, I increased my sales 500%… you helped me to do my business with dignity and get results… I will definitely be looking to working with you again in future!"
Claudia Acha, Meditation & Peak Performance Coach
(Has A Growing & Thriving Business in Los Angeles)

"I spent many years travelling around the world working with Tony Robbins and sharing sales & sales strategies… but I gotta tell you… I had an experience with Kelvin Chan and Kelvin shared with me great
ideas to have me improve my own sales & marketing
strategy to make it better so…
If you get an opportunity to be able to spend time with Kelvin, DO IT…
his strategies, his passion & who he is as a person wanting to
help people is 2nd to none… so if you get an opportunity to
spend time with Kelvin, JUST DO IT!"
Scott Gass, Tony Robbins Peak Performance Strategist
(Travels Around The World To Speak & Impact)

"As someone who has coached thousands of entrepreneurs over the years, I can tell he really does understand what it takes and so I’d encourage you if you’re looking for business coaching to reach out to Kelvin Chan and have a conversation with him!"
Nicole Jansen, Leaders of Transformation
(Has A Powerful Platform For Inspiration & Influence)

"Kelvin has been such a great asset... someone I trust, someone that has really good understanding on what relationship building is. He's authentic & knows how to communicate well with people to find out exactly what they need... great guy to have on your sales & marketing team!
I've been trying to have him on my team but he's so well wanted everywhere... it's hard to get this guy. I'm grateful for you... one of these days, we are going to work more together!"
Amin Emami, Serial Entrepreneur
(Runs Multiple Businesses)