Hi all,
Pretty excited to be sharing with you my results using a particular method so far.
I’ve been marketing affiliate products using video for quite a while and have had pretty good success at it. And this is the first time I’m posting about it.
Earlier this month, I created a video clip that is under 3 minutes long. And uploaded the video to a few sites. This particular entire process took all of just 14 minutes. After uploading it, I left it alone (basically, no social bookmarking or anything of that sort was done for it).
2 days later, it started clocking sales for it and in 20 days, have already chalked up 9 sales transactions (as seen below). This is only just 1 example of the many different videos I’ve uploaded before.
Recently I’ve decided to create a quality video course to reveal and teach others how to market and make money using videos.
What I would like to know is …
1) Is this some product you would personally be willing to pay for? If so, what’s the price range? And if not, why not?
2) Assuming you’re interested, what would you like to see in this video course?
Love to digest any inputs or answer any questions you may have.
Cheers and Blessings!
P.S. Chances are I’ll also contribute a review copy (if and when I create this video course) to someone who provides the most contribution using comments here so do post away.
Just to update this post a little:
Another sale came in for the particular niche which I posted earlier and the new screenie reflects that …
Really cool don’t you think. I’ve no doubt that this one would eventually go on to produce $500 in due time.
Ok now, I just thought I might provide yet another example to show how effective videos can be in providing passive income.
Here’s niche #2:
This video was created back much earlier this year and took all of 12 minutes to create, upload and tag.
It produced on average a sale every month for me (some months twice). The only month which did not produce for this particular video was back in March. No complains here.
After refunds and 13 sales later … nett profit of $296.68. Neat!
Feel free to ask questions if you have any. (Don’t ask about the niche though)