KC39: Stop Majoring In Minors For A More Effective Life Episode

Feeling bogged down and not progressing much?

Often have much to do and still not moving ahead?

In today’s super quick episode…

Let’s talk about how we can have a more effective life

By being more conscious and aware

And making some small and significant tweaks!

My Personal Observation & Experience

Through personal observation and experience,

I’ve noticed this in myself and others that…

We have a tendency to be distracted

And caught up doing things that matter little to nothing at all

Sometimes, these things turn into a habit for us and…

Precious time is wasted every…

Single day and week tending to them

I won’t go into the specifics of…

What they might be as there are too many of them

Needless to say,

If we are to lead an effective and compelling life,

We can’t allow this to go on and become a lifestyle

I’m talking about majoring in minors which…

So many of us are guilty of doing so

Myself included!


Take a minute or two now to…

Run through your typical day in detail and

Ask yourself these questions for…

Every single thing that you do…

“Does this really matter?”

“Is this aligned to my purpose, mission & vision?”

“How’s this helping me progress in life?”

If your answers to these are MOSTLY a no and…

You’ll need to be brutally honest with yourself,

Then you can begin to do something about it because…

It all starts with being truly conscious

I have a personal mantra that goes like this…

“If it doesn’t matter, don’t bother” or shorter still…

“Don’t matter, don’t bother!”

This reminds me to stay focused on…

What truly matters which you’ll know…

If you have invested the time to…

Clarify for yourself and your life

As we close, there are 2 ways to treat this episode…

One is to move on with life as if this doesn’t really matter…

And the second is to have a desire to do something about it…

Knowing that what we do today matters

If we are to truly succeed in life,

Then we must certainly stop majoring in minors

If you belong to the 2nd group of people,

For a few days running,

List down every single thing that you do…

From the time you’re up each day till you go to bed

And go through the 3 questions I mentioned earlier

When you do this,

You’ll awaken to the small yet significant tweaks

You’ll need and want to implement in your life

Let’s keep moving forward powerfully and effectively today!