Do you know there are precious tools out there to help you spy on your site visitors and gain intelligence?
Yes … with these tools, you can much better understand what your visitor is going through & their overall experience. Info like which elements did they click on the most, where’s the hottest spot where they spent the most time, etc.
Purpose? To boost conversions of whatever your site is intended to do. Be it gain opt-ins, sales, sign-ups, etc.
Check out these following sites to get started:
DecibelInsight (5000 free recorded pages per month) <— What I’m currently using!
SessionCam (500 free recorded pages per month)
MouseFlow (100 free recorded pages per month)
CrazyEgg (No free recorded pages per month , 30 day trial)
LuckyOrange (No free recorded pages per month , 7 day trial)
*Correct as of 28th November 2014
Happy spying & better results for you!
P.S. Have you used any of these tools before? Which ones do you like?