You wanna know what’s the secret to succeeding online? (Not that I’m up there with the gurus or anything like that but …)
It’s actually pretty simple which the gurus and the other people would have you believe.
Ok, i’ll let the cat out of the bag. It’s actually everything to do with the tagline that goes with Nike and that is …
Yep, the secret is not about Yahoo Answers, the secret is not about copywriting or traffic generation (not that they aren’t important). It’s not about pay per click, article marketing or video marketing. It’s not about press releases. It’s not about social networking or web 2.0. It’s not about finding the next hot niche. It’s not about getting higher PR (page rank). It’s not about having better graphics. It’s not about ClickBank or CJ.
What’s my point?
Simply this and that is that it’s not that we don’t have enough head knowledge or anything like that (as much as that is important).
It’s ABOUT … DOING WHAT WE KNOW WE OUGHT TO DO. And that’s called discipline. If you’ve been buying report after report, ebook after ebook, software after software, somewhere along the lines, you’ve got to realise that although these may be good and important, you’ve got to bloody start somewhere (pardon my english).
Why do I say that? Because I’ve come down that path before. Until you start doing something, NOTHING HAPPENS. Period.
Ok, I’m done ranting. If nothing else, I hope this “wakes” some of you up. Peace. =)
P.S This post wasn’t just for you (the reader). It’s also for me to occasionally remind myself. Hey, I’m human. All 6 feet of me.