Thought I’ll share a split test I did which those of you who uses arrows in your squeeze pages will find interesting.

Looking at the 2 screenshots I’ve attached, which do you think performed better?

Control – The one WITHOUT red arrows:


Variant – The one WITH red arrows:



Go ahead … make a guess …

It’s always easier being spoon fed but your breakthrough comes when as a marketer, you make “an intelligent guess” and actually see what the real world result is.

Chosen your side yet?

Good … *drumroll please* ……

And the winner is … the one withOUT the red arrows.

Ran the results past a A/B Split Test Significance Calculator and the results stand significant.

So … for those of you with arrows on your squeeze page, before you rush off to remove them, go test first.

What works for me may not work for you.

Here’s an additional resource: How To Have An Effective Split Testing In 3 Simple Steps

Trust this is helpful at least to a few people (including YOU) 🙂