If you’re looking for a really cheap but effective way to do split tests, pay real close attention!

I very recently ran a 30 day campaign on a platform and set aside $20 for this.

According to this platform, total clicks accrued is 25,291 with 24,575 of them being unique clicks.

And based off stats by Aweber, it shows a total of 12,141 displays.

With these amounts of traffic, I was able to conclusively test 2 different headlines on the exact same design for a squeeze page.

The results?

My test variant was able to outperform my control by 5x!

The cost to test this?

Just $20.

You can even do a short 7 day test ($6) with this.

Sign up for this platform right now!

P.S. Just a note that it’s very useful for performing split tests but doesn’t get very good T1 opt-ins (I.e. 8% T1s in my experience).