Hi friend,
Just listened to a private audio where the common saying of “Subscribers generate about a dollar per month” is discussed.
In summary, what was shared is …
1) A list that is built for free behaves differently from a list that people buy from you.
2) You have to know how to treat your list.
3) People who join for free are looking for information. When you sell traffic to these people, anywhere from 1% to 2% will click on the links in the ads. A good day is 3% and a really good day is 5%.
4) People who buy from you … These are people you can build a relationship with.
5) Free will only get you so far. You don’t have to sell to these people to make money. All you have to do is deliver traffic where people click on a link inside that.
6) The easiest way to build a list is to pay for traffic! (This is specifically true for the MMO/IM niche)
7) With your buyers’ list, build trust and treat them right. Give them great value!
8) The monetary value with a free list is very small.
9) You need to have a guide / coach / mentor. Even if you have a blueprint but without someone guiding you, you’re gonna find failure as the end result.
10) Easiest way to monetize free list is to sell traffic. Best way to monetize buyers’ list is by building relationship.
Trust you enjoyed this.
Feel free to chip in & share also what you think? 🙂