KC21: How To Really Survive & Thrive During Life Transitions & Major Changes Episode

Are you undergoing or preparing for a life transition right now?

Wondering what you should do to survive & thrive during major changes?

In this episode, I’ll share important keys that will assist you to make full use of life transitions, down times & slow momentum to come out ahead & emerge thriving!

I’m sure you’ve heard it said before that change is a constant.

Well… changes and transitions are here to stay. They are certainly part & parcel of life and while some transitions are generally happy and welcomed like getting married & having your 1st child.

Others like losing a job or facing bankruptcy are not so. Having said that, I believe each of them contain great opportunities and we need to discover where they are.

Life’s BIGGEST Transitions


What are some of life’s BIGGEST transitions?

They range from…

Changing one’s school…
Going from school to working life (a.k.a. Getting your 1st job)

Getting into a relationship…
Breaking up from a relationship…


Proposing to your partner…
Getting married…
Moving into your 1st marital home…
Having your 1st child…
Changing careers…


Losing a job…

Going through a separation or divorce…

Passing away of a loved one…

And even…

Facing bankruptcy…

Being hit with major health issues…
And finally…
Relocating or even migrating…

Being hit with natural or man-made disasters…
Undergoing major life milestones (Turning 21, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, etc)

By no means is this list exhaustive!

What To Expect & Do

When faced with a major life transition, acknowledge you’re in a period of change. Don’t resist although many a times it can get pretty rough. These are times of great opportunity and we’ll do well to understand how so each time.

Another thing to do is to pre-empt or anticipate possible changes. Doing so would be the battle half-won.

As the Boy Scouts’ Motto would say… be prepared!
(I once was in the Boy Scouts around the age of 12…)

During these times, you might also notice that your values might change, at least temporarily, so don’t be surprised!

One will likely get emotional as well and mood swings are not uncommon.

If you’re spiritually inclined, I would definitely suggest for you to pray, meditate… etc. This is very important.

Getting Close Support

Now the next suggestion is… HIGHLY CRITICAL. I would STRONGLY suggest for you to get close support of your family & loved ones.

Don’t be shy to express your needs and concerns. People can be & are often wonderful forms of support. Do look for people who have been through what you are going through and have emerged triumphant.

Aside from this, consider taking a personal retreat or holiday. During these times, I’ll find myself particularly drawn closer to God.

Just to share, taking a personal retreat & holiday is just what I did before I proposed to my then-girlfriend and now wife. It’s also what I do at each major career or vocational change.

In going through each of your transitions, do pace yourself, give yourself ample time and a realistic time frame to adjust & recover.

As a final key to surviving & thriving during the uncertain times of life transition, one definitely has to COUNT THE COST.

Times of major changes usually involves greater amounts of resources so make sure you’ve got sufficient savings for it. If not, it’s HIGHLY recommended you’ve got a guaranteed source of income at this time.

When people have a guaranteed source of income, they can go on to focus on high growth and speculative income.

Winding Down

Previously, I assisted a man around the age of 40 transition very well from having a debt and ZERO savings to doing financially well now and it’s precisely because of this specific model which we’ll talk more about in another episode.

Do bear in mind different life transitions & major changes will require different approaches & resources.

A quick & obvious example is buying a home versus getting into a new relationship.

As we end this episode, life could be likened to a roller-coaster. There will be ups and downs and while some transitions we go through aren’t at all welcomed, let’s make the best of it because they often present life’s greatest opportunities.

I trust you find this episode useful and thank you for listening.

Meantime, you can reach out to me at KelvinChan.org.