KC35: The Rare Secret To Speed Up Your Productivity Instantly Episode
Are you seeking to speed up your productivity and bump up your production?
Tired of the usual, typical productivity advice & frameworks out there?
In this really short episode…
I’ll share from my experience a simple and effective way…
To immediately speed up your productivity
No matter whether you’re involved with content generation, data entry, product creation, et cetera
A Memory Recall
Some time back…
Because of my nature of being obsessed with various frameworks for efficiency, optimization & output
I had a memory recall… an epiphany of sorts of my schooling days
Which was really my more *ahem* sporty & athletic days…
I loved running and have taken part in multiple races throughout my life
There’s a method in training oneself to run quicker instantly and that’s to…
Tag yourself to someone who’s faster
The Pacer Method
In most circles, I believe it’s called the pacer or pacing method
The whole idea is to have someone who’s a little faster than you…
Run ahead of you while you run alongside him and even…
Have a little challenge and…
Play a little game in your head of chasing or overtaking him
In a long distance run such as a marathon, you simply focus…
On catching up with the person immediately in front of you and…
Once you’ve achieved that, you move on to the next target
The MAIN key to note is to not have someone who’s…
Substantially quicker than you…
Someone who is completely out of your league
If so, it might be counterintuitive resulting in you…
Slowing down or even completely giving up in extreme cases
All you will want is someone that’s just a little quicker than you
And that’s the sweet spot for most!
How To Use This Method
So how do we practically translate this principle or method…
When it comes to our daily, regular work?
Very simple!
Let’s suppose you’re creating a product…
Simply identify someone who’s also doing the same thing…
Coupled with the fact that he’s a fast worker
And either work together with him in a joint project or
Work in tandem with him in the same environment
As a 2nd example…
Let’s say you’re involved in content generation or are a blog writer
You’ll want to hang out with someone who’s doing this similar work
Yet has a slightly higher production rate
The mere proximity with someone like that will…
Most likely cause a bump & speed up in your productivity rate
This is a method and a strategy that must not be only imagined in your mind…
When you actually practise it the right way,
Speeding up your productivity is inevitable and a given
Today, start identifying people that you can work alongside with…
Who’s got a regularity, a consistency and a slightly higher speed in their productivity
And do whatever it takes to be within their proximity
This has been working for me and…
I’m certain it will work for you too!