KC36: How Burning Bridges Can Get You Greater Focus & Success! Episode

Have you ever heard of the expression or phrase “To burn your bridges”?

Or perhaps “To burn your boats”?

And sometimes, it’s the other way around – I.e. “Don’t burn your bridges”

In today’s episode…

I’ll be sharing about the strategy of burning your bridges in…

A different context from what you…

Might have usually heard or read before…

So that you get a lot more focused on…

What you need to do in your life

Rather than be held back by your Achilles’ heel

The Genesis of It All

But first…

Let’s talk about where the expression is said to originate from

This phrase started from an ancient military strategy that is connected to the self-destruction of boats

In the year 1519, Captain Hernando Cortes destroyed Mexico and the Aztec Empire

With less than 1000 soldiers, he was able to conquer a nation 5000 times bigger than his army number

While there is controversy over details, there’s no debate Cortes was absolutely committed to winning

That he was utterly persuasive in getting his soldiers to wreck their own ships

In order to prevent any possible idea of retreat or escape

It forced them to either die or succeed in the process

This situation of being cornered and left with no other choice…

Bred absolute commitment for them and the rest is history

If you’ve heard of the expression “don’t burn your bridges” before…

It’s usually to do with the context of keeping your options open

Especially in employment and relationships

A lot of times this may be wise but not so with what I’ll be talking about now…

How This Impacts Us

In working with many people before, I’m well aware that many have got…

Lifelong bad or unproductive bondages, obsessions & habits

These include drinking, gambling, pornography and so on and so forth

We greatly underestimate how much these addictions and habits may cost us…

In terms of veering away from our true purpose, mission and calling…

In terms of money, time and resources wasted…

And also the immense impact on our family and loved ones

As long as we remain unclear and unconscious as to how much the damage is

We’ll remain where we are and do little about them

Would you like to know 2 examples where I’ve actually burned my bridges?

2 Simple Examples

Over 10 years ago, starting from when I was about 12 years of age…

I grew a bad habit and obsession of gaming

In those times, I was still schooling and would not return home till…

I’ve wasted at least 5 dollars each day at the gaming arcade

I’m certain I’ve wasted tens of thousands of dollars and not to add…

Precious irrecoverable time in doing so

It came to a critical point where I realised it amounted to little to no good

And was not building up my future that I decided to sever my gaming

As a 2nd example, I used to like following a ton of soccer news

While it’s fine to have a hobby or follow a sport, it’s extremely unproductive

To keep reading & keeping up with soccer news that wasn’t going to amount

To a hill of beans for me in my life

I’m so glad and thankful that I no longer have these habits and addictions…

Ruining & holding me back from staying focused on what I need to do on a daily basis

In Summary…

I believe it all starts with your awareness of your problems, issues

And challenges & the deep desire to resolve it

As this draws to an end…

Begin to raise your awareness and consciousness and…

Ask yourself if there are any bridges to bad habits, bondages or obsessions

You need to take a firm stance on and start burning them away

When you do so, a fresh breath of life will come your way and

Your life will take on a more powerful trajectory

Burning your bridges this way will cause you to…

Focus on what really matters and ultimately,

Empower you to have a greater degree of success in your life

As a final point, sometimes it helps greatly to have someone

Assist in this journey of getting rid of destructive habits

And burning away those bridges

If this is you, don’t hesitate to reach out!