KC37: Flowing With The Law of Diminishing Intent for Greater Compelling Success Episode
Do you find yourself having lots of great ideas but little execution?
Frustrated at little progress despite your great intentions?
In this episode…
I’ll be talking about the nature of a natural law called…
The Law of Diminishing Intent
And sharing 3 keys on how to flow with it for much…
Greater compelling success in your life!
So without further ado…
Just what is the law of diminishing intent which is a phrase…
Coined by the legendary Jim Rohn?
Law of Diminishing Intent
This law explains that…
The longer you wait or delay to do something you should do right away,
The greater the odds that you will never actually do it
Apparently, this law is said to have a 24 hour half life…
Which basically means…
For every 24 hours that passes by without you taking action on an initial idea or impulse,
The odds of you taking action on it is 50% of what it was a day ago
Minutes of delay turn into hours, hours into days…
Days into weeks, weeks into months, months into years
And for many, the years go on without them doing anything about it
Be mindful that…
No amount of great intentions will pan out into…
An iota of good if we don’t ever get round to executing upon it
So what stops most people from taking action immediately?
What Stops People…
From experience…
It mostly boils down to an unclear vision of importance,
Paralysis by analysis and…
Just the usual day to day distractions
Doubt creeps in ever so subtly and strongly and…
Before you know it, most people get sidetracked
If one is to belong to the group with great results to show for,
We would need to develop the Speed of Implementation
The speed of implementation is simply the time between…
You first having an idea and actually executing…
And implementing it
This is a rare trait that all ultra successful people have
They don’t wait around for everything to fall into place
Or for the perfect conditions to be present
They are incredibly fast at implementing and they…
Take massive actions while doing so
This will be expounded in greater detail in another episode
A Personal Example…
Here’s how I got rewarded fairly recently by working & flowing with this law
Around 2 years back, an idea came to me which I decided to act on immediately
This single act led to another idea which I also took action on immediately
This 1 single idea has since culminated in high 6 figures generated…
And is well on its way to generating 7 figures real soon!
So allow me to share 3 keys on…
How you can flow with The Law of Diminishing Intent…
For greater compelling success
Key #1 Be clear on whether the idea, intention & action falls within your purpose & priorities
If you’re anything like me, you’ll have a million ideas and…
You’ll need to decide quickly & wisely if each should be acted upon
Key #2 If you’ve decided the idea should move ahead, use a simple trim tab to assist you get going!
Don’t fall into the procrastination trap
Key #3 Once you’ve started executing & taking action upon your idea
Use the Power of the Unbroken Chain to sustain it if feasible!
Be patient as the right kind of consistency will bear fruits at the right time
In Summary…
As we end off this episode…
What are 1 or 2 ideas or changes you know you need to do now?
Do they align with your personal purpose & priorities?
If so, be mindful of the law of diminishing intent and…
Get started now or right away!
General George Patton said…
“A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week.”
Jim Rohn who coined the phrase of the law of diminishing intent also said…
“The pain of discipline weighs ounces and the pain of regret weighs tons.”
Trust this assists!